Saturday, August 2, 2014

Got whatsapped !

Yes, whatsapp gets sold to facebook at some crazy amount of monies , but actually its us who got sold to facebook all over again! Its so funny , let it be any age group , teens , early twenties , mid thirties , new forties & fifties ... every one is hooked on to whatsapp.
So to my understsanding , whatsapp is a tool to enhance communication, a relatively cheaper and better way as compared to a SMS , SMS is already like the dodo gone extinct ! Its only financial transactions that come through SMS whether with a sigh of relief or panic is another blog topic altogether i guess !
But seriously whatsapp has become the tool of communication. Imagine if emails were bad enough to understand the exact tone and intention of the way they were written , man , whatsapp steels the cake !
Am i against whatsapp , nopes not all , mind you , i myself must ve initiated enough groups of long lost souls that existed sometime during my life , but exactly that's it , its a medium to reconnect again , have fun and share with whats happening currently in life.
But when whatsapp becomes the tool to avoid direct communication but still communicate matters of heart , man we surely are evolving to a totally new understanding of communication ! First and foremost , people with inborn brilliant typing skills always would keep winning in a whtsapp conversation , by the time butterfingers ( like the many that i know ) would get the chance to say uffh  , the conversation would ve moved onto more accusations and allegations !
Pick up the phone and talk , but then are we coming to the mind boggling human behaviour of finding more and more skillful means of avoiding direct confrontation.
I absolutely detest , birthday wishes on whatsapp , its like a task done. See i remembered , but calling and having an awkward small talk , ehhhh , noji !
If you actually look at it , whatsapp has become the means to avoid direct communication completely. But then like they say , you got to go with the flow. Whether always or sometimes or never is a choice left to us :)

1 comment:

  1. Well said! It is also increasingly becoming the means of sharing jokes etc which are in bad taste whether you want to receive them or not!!
